
Diseases of the ear

200 ر.س

Recall the anatomy and physiology of ear. Describe the common infectious and non-infectious diseases of the ear


  • Recall the anatomy and physiology of ear.
  • Describe the common infectious and non-infectious diseases of the ear.
  • State the common management techniques for infectious and non-infectious diseases of ear.
  • Design an investigative plan for diagnosing diseases of ear.


  • Anatomy and physiology of ear.
  • The common infectious and non-infectious diseases of the ear.
  • Appropriate investigations for diagnosing diseases of ear.
  • Management of infectious and non-infectious diseases of ear.
  • Interpret the results of investigations for diagnosing a diseases of ear.
  • Appropriate surgical or non-surgical intervention.
  • Definition, causes, investigations diagnosis and treatment of facial nerve paralysis. Definition, causes, investigations diagnosis and treatment of Tinnitas. Definition, causes, investigations diagnosis and treatment of Vertigo.

عدد الساعات : 7 ساعات تدريبية

الفئة المستهدفةطالب طب ــ خرجيون كلية طب

رسوم الدورة:

  • 100 ريال

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