دورة فسيولوجيا الغدد الصماء

300 ر.س

SKU: 26457 Category:

الهدف من الدورة:

Help and prepare medical students for obtaining MBBS, help post-graduate students in the medical field planning to sit for MRCP (part 1) exam or USMLE-SETP (1) exam or any other medical board exams.

Provides students with knowledge of the normal structure, functions, mechanisms of action, regulation, and common pathologic abnormalities of hormones. This course will enable students to integrate knowledge of actions and regulation of hormones to explain symptoms and signs of endocrine disorders. Additionally, it helps students to explain the clinical presentation of the common syndromes associated with disorders of the endocrine system. This course will also describe some hormone assays and clinical tests of endocrine functions.


  • Introduction to the Endocrine System
  • The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
  • The Thyroid Gland
  • The Adrenal Gland
  • Hormonal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism
  • Endocrine Pancreas

الفئة المستهدفة:

Medical students, post-graduate students in the medical field and doctors planning to sit for MRCP (part 1) exam or USMLE-SETP (1) exam or any other medical board exams.

نبذة مختصرة عن المدرب :

Dr. Mohammed Hamza Z. E. Seed Ahmed is an Associate Professor of Physiology and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, National University-Sudan. He is also acting as the Coordinator for International and External Relations at the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan. Dr. Mohammed is a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in Medical Science and M.Sc. in Medical Education, both obtained from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. He has worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Karolinska Institutet as well as King’s College London in the United Kingdom. In addition, Dr. Mohammed was a Lecturer/Educational Developer in the Unit for Medical Education and Technology, within the Centre for Learning and Knowledge at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

رسوم الدورة:

  • 300 ريال

أستاذ – دكتور

محمد حمزة سعيد

كلية الطب الجامعة الوطنية الخرطوم استشاري علم وظاائف الأعضاء البشري

تعلم مع اكاديمية الفلاح

تبسيط العلوم الحديثة والمهارات الفردية من أجلك

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